Thursday, February 12, 2004
Livinghigh was here at 5:18 PM /

At least somebody got all 'sexed up'

The idea of valentines day seems horrific to most of the people I know here - singletons all, I think it's the Bridget Jones complex come to roost. All that pressure by Hallmark doesn't really help, either. So what are we going to do when the fated day finally does arrive? Probably go out for ravioli and pasta at Galloping Gooseberries... on a purely platonic basis, of course. Anything else would be strictly prohibited.

All this reminds me of that article I'd written last year about not going in for relationships, because frankly, who needs them?! That was an article that meant something to me... sniff, sniff... I think I spoke my mind quite lucidly in that one... moving, as well as entertaining. i think i shall pass it on to Sharon, the next time she starts whining for a boy friend.

Almost all the people here are dying for an orgy. Sex, it seems, is the new diva... when on earth was it anything else? Sex: the great savior, the great soother, the great seeker, the great serpent... we're all so starved of it here that we all want it... I almost make ACJ sound like a harlot's den... something from biblical times, deliciously soaked in sin and gin. ;-) Unfortunately, we're actually quite boring. In order to be delicously soaked in sin and whatever, you need to have a certain amount of pizzazz... here in ACJ, we're much too worried about gutter widths and leadings (newspaper terms, all )to even think about arousals.

That's why we watch all those poor saps on the Tamil music channels.


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