Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Livinghigh was here at 6:12 PM /

I'm TIRED of dancing all night

Sleep deprivation drives me as only it can. Coffee suddenly seems to have lost that magical aroma, and it seems ages ago that I penned An ode to cafe sitting in the ACJ lecture room back benches - I have absolutely no idea where that dirty scrip of paper with my teeny scrawl wriggling up and down it has disappeared to... suffice to say, not in Delhi.

I'm not quite decided as to whether I'm going to ramble on about coffee here, or my lack of sleep. It seems strange to say that the one thing I long for so much right now is to slip in between my sheets at home, and close my eyes... actually, seems kinda freaky to say that. Seems VERY freaky to say that.

And at the risk of doing the unthinkable and hurting my own ego enormously, I will venture to say that my lack of sleep is telling most unfortunately on the complete lack of style and matter of this blog entry.

Without further adieu then, nightie-night.


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