Livinghigh: Blind leading the blinds
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Livinghigh was here at 9:58 AM /

Blind leading the blinds

Sitting here, thinking about not too many things, really. Just: what will I do tonight... cursing my haunted camera... wondering what to have for lunch today, but not really hungry (it's more like an academic pursuit with me)... happy in general... feel like seeing a movie, specifically, Shrek II... feel like licking my way through a mountain of ice cream, specifically, Almond Mocha...

Sitting here, thinking about too many things, realy.

I look up from my console and what greets me are these shuttered blinds that keep the sun out. I know I'm not exactly the summer-child of lore, forever deliriously happy to frolic in sunshine, but sometimes, I do amble over to take a peek outside. Pull on the pearl-strings, part the shades a bit, and the world of overhead tube-lights and droning printer recedes, to be replaced by a world of busy, busy Delhi below.

Congested Jhandewala, Anarkali bazaar which is usually always deserted (almost like you expect to see Anarkali's phantom flirting with Salim's behind some dingy stairway), narrow road lined with earth, OB vans with fancy contraptions overhead, the dust and the noice receding in the far distance, and you can see India Gate there, over the treetops, the giant Hanuman temple closer to you, and if you were outside, you could hear the sing-song, emanating from its precincts, battle for survival with the hoots of traffic surrounding it...

There's a rooftop garden below, on the fourth floor of Videocon Towers, and I sometimes look down on the green grass, so vaguely artificial and green in all the cement chaos, and there's even a little fountain, little seats for you to sit, little trees around a little green circle, manicured and clipped, perfectly maintained, made for you to flop down, and walk and simply sit and stare into space, or stare into the green carpet, but not treally seeing it, simply pentrating through, while you think of deeper things, or deeper people, or people who mean so much to you that you leave them behind.

Blink, and the blinds are firmly in place, however, and what greets me is the winking computer. Sitting here, thinking about too many things, realy.


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