Livinghigh: I would love to gabble on chocolate
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Livinghigh was here at 8:41 PM /

I would love to gabble on chocolate

There's a new story, titled Chocolate/ Chocolat on Gabbles. It's a tale in five acts. I think we know all of the acts by heart, by now. There's -

Ring a bell? (catlike smile on face). My favourite passage from the story is:

Tall, lovely, shining, glittering crystal, fluted with all the most pleasing proportions man can ask for. It seems to be able to promise something, but maybe deliverance depends on you. It's like some horribly shriveled apple that rolled down from Eden - it has a promise, it whispers a dream to you, and you feel yourself charged up, ready for action. The curse is in that it promises the same to all and sundry, so you think you're equal to a task even when you're not. So you try and try and you fail and fail, and you curse the fates for ever conceiving a feature such as you, but in the haste of your vanity, you tend to forget that little piece of apple that promised you so much and haunted you so much.

And yes, I have changed the look of Gabbles, into something that is more utilitarian. Slight pity, since I was in love with the picture of the ocean the earlier look flaunted.

Mirror Mirror#5: I don't really like crab that much. Find the stuff quite fibrous. Give me chicken, any day. But yes, prawns are made in God's heavenly tank, and mussels are yummy too. Calamari tastes like rubber. I've never eaten shark. I could never think of eating dolphins. Or snakes. I abhor snakes.


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