Say hello, shutterbug
Pixelated livingHIGH
Fiction, I write
The Gabbles
hm. interesting.
I was just going to say
"fair enough....but tell us about your anonymous blog"
, and I realised what I was saying:)
By 10:05 PM
, at
So, yeah. I know I missed the bus when it came to blogging in college. I just wasn't curious enough, like you said. And now that work has confined me to writing, sitting inf ront of an actual functional computer and *swoons* internet access, I'm here now.
So now that I've given you a reason for blogging (huh? you have? since when?) since NOW, please continue with the ranting. Writers are a narcissistic lot, so we're forgiven. Occupational hazard.
Someone above said writers are a narcissistic lot - so I shall pander to your ego here. No no you must continue to live high, so what if you are just cribbing these's just a phase mon cher!
Hmm...speaking of the other blog, so you plan to go public with it, coz if you don't and you cease this one, then you'll lose alot of your reading that won't be nice would it? ;-)
By G Shrivastava, at 11:15 AM
vague - aa, well.. *mysterious smile*
chamique - hello to u as well!
geet - the two blogs have quite a different set of watchers, na?! ... except when u amble by at times. :-)
By livinghigh, at 1:21 PM
u'll get over it as soon as you find sumthin interesting to rant.
By 3:49 PM
, at