Say hello, shutterbug
Pixelated livingHIGH
Fiction, I write
The Gabbles
You mean 'samvaad-dattas' get a fan following a la Rajdeep and Barkha? Heheh...looking forward to seeing you on the idiot-box asking people abt the "mahaul"!;-)
By G Shrivastava, at 12:15 AM
Imagine this...
What if you were to go and spike all the major news anchors (Prannoy, Rajdeep etc) with a dose of LSD before they went on air. That would make news fun and guess they wouldn't talk about Lawyers bickering!
house wives will worship you.
they worship the tulsi and parvati and mihir and oprah and what not types anyways. hahahahaha
By 11:35 AM
, atsir...autograph?
By 7:19 PM
, atone autograph here too .. heehee.. :P
By 8:34 PM
, atCoca will make them honest also, plus it might give them some balls to make some serious decisions. But my question is what happens if you were to give them LSD? Imagine that. That will not make for a pretty picture. do i need wait in line for ur autograph?????
By 8:57 PM
, atyeah. you're gonna hafta wait. all of are gonna hafta. our good sir is out partying im sure
By 11:45 PM
, at
i saw you on tv...! even though it was while i was in the logging room trying mighty hard to figure out the sinfully boring task of media log.
So there... you have a following already!!!
All the best at the imminent stardom
By 3:33 PM
, at