Say hello, shutterbug
Pixelated livingHIGH
Fiction, I write
The Gabbles
frankly who cares a f**** except
those like me who was praying to the heavens above that they dont split into two and by much prized guest who had alraedy been on ten million channels does our damned interview tooo (with an accent mind you).
By sarinstyle, at 5:06 PM
I cant understand why the media in India these days seems to depend so much on sensationalism. Is there public appetite for it?
By Casablanca, at 7:48 PM
madsnow - hehehe, o but of course. the accent is VERY important! hehehe.
casablanca - hehehe... lets not even BEGIN to question de appetite, my child. lol. at least, my channel never does. lol.
By livinghigh, at 9:35 PM
hey do u know that u blog has been linked ib the website ??/
does it really make a difference?
By 2:28 PM
, at
viewer - hey hey hey! nopes, i didnt know dat at all! hehehe. thanks for pointing dat out. ;-)
ishy - mmmm... lol, from dat question, may i infer dat u really loved RdB? ;-)
PS: love ure conjoint blog. am gonna link to it.
By livinghigh, at 5:08 PM
i am presently working on a website and book that showcases CSR. big shots, film stars, business men...all are doing there share. unfortunately, filmstars are often taken less seriously compare to people like miss goody-no-shoes, Arundati roy.
if a filmstar can work his/her magic and gather support for a good cause, how does it really matter?
By Lil Mizfit, at 12:49 PM
It is difficult to take Aamir seriously without his trademark big pointy moustache.
I'm surprised he's sitting in a dharna actually. Whatever happened to killing everybody from top down, starting with the Defence Minister. What difference would that make, do you say? Does it have to? :P
Wassup mate?!
By 3:25 AM
, atmedia ... politics ... strange isnt it ?
By AJ ! Serendipity !!!, at 10:37 AM